
5 Signs That You Need a Hair Transplant

Hair loss is a common problem affecting people of all ages. It’s caused by various factors such as genetics, aging, stress, and poor nutrition. In fact, just in the United States, two-thirds of men aged 35 or older face significant hair loss. While there are several treatments available to address hair loss, hair transplant surgery […]

Can COVID Cause Hair Loss?

The short answer is yes, COVID can lead to hair loss. COVID patients have reported hair loss as a long-term side effect. Other common symptoms include brain fog, fever, and loss of smell and taste. Fever is a common symptom of COVID, and according to the American Academy of Dermatology, it’s common to experience hair […]

Options for Hair Transplants

A lot of us sometimes take our hair for granted until it’s gone, much like we do our health and youth. A hair transplant is a viable option for many men and women who have experienced hair loss due to aging. If you’re thinking about getting a hair transplant, read on to find out what […]

What Causes Balding?

Are you having problems with baldness? Is your hair falling out or thinning faster than usual? You might be suffering from male pattern baldness or alopecia. This condition affects men and women equally and can take decades to develop. Baldness affects millions of men and women worldwide. According to Medline, before balding, it takes two […]

Is Hair Replacement Risky?

It’s not unusual for both men and women to suffer from the thinning or falling out of their hair. Various factors can lead to hair loss, and while some last just a short time, other variables, like genetics and hormone changes, may have long-term effects that cannot be undone. However, advancements in technology have resulted […]

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