Options for Hair Transplants

A lot of us sometimes take our hair for granted until it’s gone, much like we do our health and youth. A hair transplant is a viable option for many men and women who have experienced hair loss due to aging. If you’re thinking about getting a hair transplant, read on to find out what it involves, the distinctions between FUE and FUT transplants, and which offers the greatest results.

What Is Hair Transplant

It is a form of surgery that transfers existing hair to fill areas with sparse or no hair. In the United States, doctors have been performing these transplants since the 1950s, although procedures have evolved dramatically in recent years. The operation is normally performed in the doctor’s office. First, the physician cleans the scalp and injects medication into the back of your skull to numb it. Your doctor will select one of two transplant methods: follicular unit transplantation (FUT) or follicular unit extraction (FUE).

FUE Hair Transplant

Individual follicular unit grafts (hair groups of one to four hairs as they occur naturally on the scalp) are harvested one at a time during the Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE transplant surgery using a small punch generally ranging from 0.7 to 1 millimeter in size. The hair follicles are plucked randomly, allowing your doctor to collect hair from the donor region with less visible loss. Hair is collected via Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE transplant) through small circular incisions on the scalp. Because the surgery leaves no visible scars, it is suitable for individuals who wear or may desire to wear shorter haircuts. Expect some redness and discomfort following treatment, but most patients report very little pain.

FUT Hair Transplant

Follicular Unit Transplantation (also known as the “strip technique”) involves the removal of a long, thin piece of tissue from the rear of the scalp. Stereo-microscopic dissection is then used to extract individual follicular units from the strip. The incision is closed once the follicles have been collected, leaving a tiny, linear scar. There is no need to shave the donor region with FUT. For these reasons, FUT is occasionally suggested for patients with longer hair (which might conceal the scar) who do not wish to undergo a radical change in appearance.

While the procedures for obtaining the grafts differ, transplanting is simpler. To provide the most natural-looking covering, the surgeon will need to implant the grafts where they are needed. This is accomplished by creating scalp incisions and physically placing the grafts. The operation might take up to 8-10 hours to complete.

Do you need a hair transplant to improve your overall appearance? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

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