What to Do to Avoid Hair Breakage

hair breakage

A beautiful set of hair always stands out. Whether it’s styled in a short crop or it drapes down your back, your hair can often showcase your personal style and general health. However, length is hard to maintain with constant breakage. Here are key ways you can avoid hair breakage.

Mind Your Diet

About 85% of men over age 50 have significantly thinning hair, according to the American Hair Loss Association. While some thinning may come with age, you may help combat it with diet. Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial to keeping your hair luscious and full. Minerals and vitamins like calcium, iron, folic acid, protein, and antioxidants are essential to keeping your hair healthy.

Keep It Moisturized

As hair grows, it becomes more and more susceptible to breaking off when too dry. As any stylist will tell you, conditioning is vital, and you should focus on shampooing the scalp thoroughly. Try to wash in warm or cold water as too much heat can stress the hair. A hair specialist may also use a good hair mask or leave-in conditioner.

Be Careful With Heat

As mentioned, be careful of any heat on your hair, starting with the temperature of the water you wash it with. If you use styling tools like irons or hand dryers, be careful of the temperature level. Heat-protecting spray is a good way to protect from artificial drying. In general, avoid hair breakage by not using heating tools every day.

Find Stress Management Techniques

Did you know too much stress makes your hair fall out? Therefore, it’s important to implement self-care techniques and habits that help you reduce and soothe everyday stressors. Something as simple as meditation, yoga, mindfulness, or giving yourself peaceful music to listen to on your morning commute can go a long way in preserving your health.

You can prevent hair breakage with a few techniques and lifestyle adjustments. However, if your hair has thinned or broken off too much, you should get a professional consultation from our team. Founded by Beverly Hills hair specialists, Jacques Abrahamian MPAS, PA-C and Dr. George Abrahamian MD, LA FUE Hair Clinic has been transforming the hair lines of celebrities and famous business people worldwide. Our surgeons have over 10 years of experience doing hair transplants in Pasadena and the Los Angeles surrounding areas, so contact us for more information today.

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