Are You an Ideal Candidate for FUE Hair Restoration Surgery?

hair restoration

Hair loss is a great source of worry, panic, and stress, especially for men. By the age of 35, two-thirds of American men experience some degree of appreciable hair loss. By 50, up 85% of men have significantly thinning hair. The allure of regaining hairlines, halting baldness, and getting your self-confidence back makes the FUE hair transplant a popular surgical option.

What qualifies you to be an ideal candidate for the corrective procedure? Read on to find out qualities that make people suitable for FUE hair restoration surgery.

1. Overall Wellness

The FUE hair transplant is essentially a surgical procedure. As with all surgeries, you must be in good health. You will heal faster, with the recovery time being shorter. Patients with chronic diseases and long-term health complications should consult their physicians first before undertaking the hair restoration procedure.

2. Hair Loss Type and Classification

FUE hair transplantation involves moving follicles from a high-density donor area to a lower-density balding section. The severity and type of your hair loss may affect your approval for the procedure. Hair loss specialists use the Norwood Hamilton Scale to determine the extent of male pattern baldness. Typically, patients with class 3 and above on the Norwood scale are excellent candidates. Discuss your hair loss pattern with your FUE surgeon to determine if you qualify.

3. Healthy Follicles

Your hair restoration specialist may have to consider the amount of donor hair follicles available for transplanting to your thinning areas. Your physical examinations at the hair transplant clinic may involve having a closer look at the follicles. They need to be healthy and show that they can remain so after recuperating from the surgery. The roots should remain strong, and the hair ought to continue growing normally. Patients with pattern baldness are often great candidates, with those with alopecia and other types of hair loss having poor hair follicles.

4. Age

While there is no age limit to hair restoration, the ideal candidate ought to be between 25 and 65. Patients under 25 years are still experiencing pre-mature baldness, which may change as they grow older. Men over 65 have very thin hair, which can keep the procedure from performing at its best.

5. Hair Type

Your hair characteristics may also affect the outcome of the procedure. Hair density, color, texture, and thickness may have a huge bearing on whether the surgery will be successful or not. Consult your hair clinic to learn if your hair type may pose a challenge during the procedure.

While FUE hair transplant is an excellent corrective procedure for patients facing thinning hair, it may not be suitable for everyone. Discuss with our experts at LA FUE Hair Clinic to determine if you qualify for hair restoration surgery.

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