Solutions for Thinning Hair

male hair loss specialist

While it’s very common for women to express concerns about their appearance, there is a kind of taboo surrounding male insecurities. However, it’s normal for men to feel insecure about changes that come with age, especially if those changes include hair loss. Just because hair loss is common for men (with about 85% of all men experiencing hair loss by the age of 50), it doesn’t mean that it’s easy to confront. Many men want to find ways to handle their hair loss, but don’t know where to begin. Fortunately, there are multiple options available, especially with the help of a male hair loss specialist. Let’s look into some of them below!

1. Minoxidil

There is no medication that will completely stop male hair loss, but there are medications that can slow it down. One in particular is minoxidil, which is FDA-approved and overt the counter. The medication is applied to the scalp and is effective in slowing the rate of hair loss. Additionally, some men actually experience new hair growth through the application of minoxidil. However, these results will stop immediately after the medication has been stopped.

2. Finasteride

Another medication that is often recommended from those in the hair loss treatment field is finasteride. Hair loss is often connected to the production of DHT, a naturally produced hormone. Finasteride essentially slows down the production of DHT, and some men do experience new hair growth when taking it. You should always speak to a male hair loss specialist before taking any medication, but many do recommend finasteride over minoxidil, though it should never be taken by pregnant women.

3. FUT

If you’re considering hair transplant surgeries, there are two main procedures. One if FUT, or Follicular Unit Transplant. A male hair loss specialist will take a strip of skin from the transplant site, which is usually located on the back of the head, and transplant it onto the area in need of new hair growth. This procedure does take longer, has a longer recovery time, and can result in a scar in the transplant site.

4. FUE

On the other hand, Follicular Unit Extraction involves taking small hair follicles and transplanting them forward to create a more natural-looking hairline. Because this doesn’t use the strip method, there isn’t a major incision scar. Nor is there a longer recovery period.

There are many options to consider when fighting hair loss. You should just make sure that you’re picking the right one for you.

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